Sunday, March 28, 2010

35 weeks and counting...

I will be so glad to get through this week. My dad is having surgery on Tuesday, Lily is having surgery on Wednesday, a good friend of mine finds out some important news on Wednesday, and this coming Sunday (on Easter) I will be 36 weeks. It would be absolutely wonderful if everything could well this week. I have to say lots of prayers for my family this week.

To Do: Pack for the hospital (since it could be any day), Pack for Lily, and pack for Aidan since he is headed to grandma and grandpa's house for a few days so Lily can recover. I will be happy when this week is over or at least it is Friday.

I need Anabelle to stay put for this week. I will need to focus on Lily and making sure she gets better. Monday and Tuesday I will need to finish my jobs. My mom washed all her clothes so I just need to organize the closet and dresser. The room should be ready by the end of the week. The pumpkin seat/stroller should be delivered this week. The diaper bag should be delivered this week and the bedding is ordered but won't be here for a few weeks. SO, we just need to get the bassinet out and clean it. (I have been doing some shopping online since I have been on bed rest!) NOW LET'S JUST PRAY I DON'T HAVE THE BABY THIS WEEK!

Happy for so many reasons!!!!!!

Aidan and Sam wait their turn at the party.
Happy Birthday Ella!
Aidan loves his cousin Ella so much!

Aidan had to be by Ella in the picture...even though it was an all girl party. (Except for Sam and one other boy.)

Even our kite is Buzz Lightyear!

Aidan flying his kite. He was so good at it!

Tinker enjoys her kite too!

Tinker wants to pedal so bad.

Aidan and Lily play on the pink tractor at Nana and Pa Pa's house!

I was so happy that the doctor cleared me to go to Cape. Matt got the ok from work to leave town so we got up early on Saturday and hit the road. I was so happy because....
1. I haven't been home since January because of the bed rest situation.
2. I haven't seen my dad in a really long time and he is having surgery on Tuesday so I really wanted to see him. I have been missing him!
3. I miss my mom and sister and Sam and Ella too.
4. It was Ella's birthday and I was glad that I at least got to go and sit there while Matt took care of the kids.
5. The kids had so much fun!
6. Even though it was a short was so much fun.

The weather was nice in Cape on Saturday so we went to Ella's 6th birthday party. Then went back to my sister's house. The kids played outside (Nana and Pa Pa got a new pink tractor), flew kites with Matt and Pa Pa, made Smores on Saturday night (that was in the woods by Beth's pics because I couldn't walk down there. Darn!), and then we spent the night with Nana and Pa Pa. It was fun. Aidan really got the hang of the kite flying thing. He did great and was able to keep it up in the air for a long time. Of course, Aidan had a Buzz kite and Tinker had an Ariel kite. Tinker would get tired and let go if hers. It was so cute.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cravings with Anabelle!

When I was pregnant with Aidan I craved breakfast food with syrup. I wanted to eat pancakes and french toast all the time. With Lily I wanted lots of Cokes and I wanted candy. Now with is my list of cravings.

1. CANDY-Laffy Taffy's
2. Reeses Pieces (I can't tell you how many bags I have bought by now.)
3. Sweet tarts and Sprees.
4. I recently bought the Easter Sweet tarts that have bunnies and Chicks. That bag lasted 2 days.
5. I ate a piece of cake. (I know...1 But I probably haven't eaten a piece of cake in over 5 years. I didn't even eat my own wedding cake.)
6. I ate a whole box of Girl Scout Cookies by myself. (Tag-Alongs...yummy)
7. The other day I was craving a Caesar Salad so bad. I couldn't wait to munch it down At least that was healthy.
8. ICE...I know it sounds weird but I want to chomp ice all the time. I never really did that before I was pregnant. Now I can't get enough ice. Oh, and if it is crushed ice it is even better....

My sweet Tinker!

My little princess sound asleep in her princess her princess bed. Ahhh...she is an angel!

Fun with a box...

The kids had some left over Christmas money from my mom and dad. Since they have WAY too many toys, we decided to get them a picnic table. We are outside so much and they love to eat outside so I thought it would be perfect. Plus, we bought the big one so there will be plenty of room for Aidan, Lily, and Belle...not to mention Ella, Sam, and Tristen could fit too. The kids already ate dinner on it! SO, Matt decided it would be fun for the kids to climb inside the box and slide down the hill. The kids would just laugh and giggle. Matt and I got some good laughs too. Who knew you could have so much fun with a box????? (Yes...Tinker's shoes and socks are off again...I will be so happy when it is summer time...I can't keep that girl dressed for anything.)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Look at what is to come....

Lily's dress is adorable. It is long and she loves it. She really looks like a princess.
Aidan looks so handsome. He looks like a prince.

Both Aidan and Lily will be in my cousin's wedding on July 3rd. They are going to be so cute! I can't wait!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Random Pics of the kids!

I'm Buzz Lightyear and I come in peace. We continue to adore Buzz and everything about him.

Aidan and Lily feel their sister kick.

Wow mommy...your belly is BIG!

Daddy's little princess.

I always have a kiss for my daddy.

Lots to say....

My littl princess sleeping in her new princess bed!
Sweet dreams Tinker!!!!!!
Well, my mom came up on Saturday and we totally accomplished everything. Well...I should say her and Matt totally accomplished everything. It is such a great feeling to get things done that have been on your mind. The carpet FINALLY got installed on Saturday. My mom helped Matt hang up some newly purchased decor. Then, My mom and I went through and separated all of Lily's clothes that we thought Anabelle might be able to wear. She took a huge basket home of clothes to wash. Then, my mom took the kids and bought them Easter shoes and of course another pair of shoes to just wear. Matt and my mom also put together a princess bed for Tinker. My mom ordered Anabelle's bedding from pottery barn. So...basically I WAS SO GLAD THAT MY MOM CAME UP. MOM"S ARE AMAZING...HUSBANDS TOO!

Time to brag on Tinker.....
The exciting news is that Tinker loves her new bed. I had NO intentions of moving her out of her crib. She is such a good sleeper and loves her crib that I just didn't think she would want to get out of it. soon as she saw that Princess bed (that she picked out) put together...she fell in love. On Sunday she took a nap in it and slept in it Sunday night. I can't believe it. I just remember that Aidan had a hard time staying in his bed and the transition was a little rough. Can it really be this easy!!!!!!!!! OMG...I hope so.
To top it all off....Tinker decided that she was going to go potty on Saturday. SO all weekend long she went pee pee on the potty. I couldn't believe it. Today when I picked her up from Amy's...Amy said she went several times on the potty and she went again on the potty tonight before her bath. SO, can this be happening????????? Can Lily be in her new bed and willing to potty train at the same time. LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Weekend Fun!


Everyone say ...."CHEESE"!

Could they be any cuter??????????????

The Miller's came over and we had a blast. We ordered food and the kids played outside. Aidan and Lily just love Caleb. They talk about him for days after seeing him. It is so cute. Lily even started talking about Kelly and Mark. It was so good to see them. I didn't realize how starved I was for company until they left. We always have so much fun hanging out with them.

Look what daddy brought home....

Matt came home last week with the SWAT car but it was more like an armored tank. When he pulled up I couldn't believe it. The thing was huge. The kids and I were outside and I honestly think Aidan thought it was like a garbage truck or something because he didn't say anything. Then, I said...Buddy....that's daddy. And he responded with..."WHOA...." and took off running. It was hilarious and both the kids thought it was pretty neat. Needless to say we attracted lots of attention in the neighborhood.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fresh Air!!!!!!!!!!

Lily "No shoes" and Aidan play with some playdough. This girl won't keep her shoes on for anything!
Lily is very proud that she can blow bubbles.

Aidan catches his bubble after blowing it.

I picked up the kids today and asked them what they wanted to do...Aidan T.V. I was like....NO WAY BUDDY! Since I have been on bed rest the kids have been watching a lot of tv....or at least more than I would like. It was a pretty nice day...not beautiful bit still nice. I have NEVER known Aidan to want to be inside rather than out. I was shocked and thought about how easy it could be to fall into this tv habit. Needless to say, we headed outside. I sat in a lawn chair and basically told the kids they need to run around and play. They had fun so now I just need some warm days ahead.....I think everyone is ready for Spring!

Aidan helps out!

Painting has been a big project at our house lately. Aidan helped paint the hallway!

Anabelle.33 weeks and counting.....

We made it to 33 weeks and are still going strong. Last week I got the steroid shots to help her lungs develop. The good news is that if she were to be born now...her lungs would be fully developed. We continue to do as the doc orders and are just trying to get her to stay put for a while longer. My main goal is Easter. Every day counts and she is doing great!