Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Fresh Air!!!!!!!!!!

Lily "No shoes" and Aidan play with some playdough. This girl won't keep her shoes on for anything!
Lily is very proud that she can blow bubbles.

Aidan catches his bubble after blowing it.

I picked up the kids today and asked them what they wanted to do...Aidan said...watch T.V. I was like....NO WAY BUDDY! Since I have been on bed rest the kids have been watching a lot of tv....or at least more than I would like. It was a pretty nice day...not beautiful bit still nice. I have NEVER known Aidan to want to be inside rather than out. I was shocked and thought about how easy it could be to fall into this tv habit. Needless to say, we headed outside. I sat in a lawn chair and basically told the kids they need to run around and play. They had fun so now I just need some warm days ahead.....I think everyone is ready for Spring!

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