Sunday, March 28, 2010

Happy for so many reasons!!!!!!

Aidan and Sam wait their turn at the party.
Happy Birthday Ella!
Aidan loves his cousin Ella so much!

Aidan had to be by Ella in the picture...even though it was an all girl party. (Except for Sam and one other boy.)

Even our kite is Buzz Lightyear!

Aidan flying his kite. He was so good at it!

Tinker enjoys her kite too!

Tinker wants to pedal so bad.

Aidan and Lily play on the pink tractor at Nana and Pa Pa's house!

I was so happy that the doctor cleared me to go to Cape. Matt got the ok from work to leave town so we got up early on Saturday and hit the road. I was so happy because....
1. I haven't been home since January because of the bed rest situation.
2. I haven't seen my dad in a really long time and he is having surgery on Tuesday so I really wanted to see him. I have been missing him!
3. I miss my mom and sister and Sam and Ella too.
4. It was Ella's birthday and I was glad that I at least got to go and sit there while Matt took care of the kids.
5. The kids had so much fun!
6. Even though it was a short was so much fun.

The weather was nice in Cape on Saturday so we went to Ella's 6th birthday party. Then went back to my sister's house. The kids played outside (Nana and Pa Pa got a new pink tractor), flew kites with Matt and Pa Pa, made Smores on Saturday night (that was in the woods by Beth's pics because I couldn't walk down there. Darn!), and then we spent the night with Nana and Pa Pa. It was fun. Aidan really got the hang of the kite flying thing. He did great and was able to keep it up in the air for a long time. Of course, Aidan had a Buzz kite and Tinker had an Ariel kite. Tinker would get tired and let go if hers. It was so cute.

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