Sunday, March 28, 2010

35 weeks and counting...

I will be so glad to get through this week. My dad is having surgery on Tuesday, Lily is having surgery on Wednesday, a good friend of mine finds out some important news on Wednesday, and this coming Sunday (on Easter) I will be 36 weeks. It would be absolutely wonderful if everything could well this week. I have to say lots of prayers for my family this week.

To Do: Pack for the hospital (since it could be any day), Pack for Lily, and pack for Aidan since he is headed to grandma and grandpa's house for a few days so Lily can recover. I will be happy when this week is over or at least it is Friday.

I need Anabelle to stay put for this week. I will need to focus on Lily and making sure she gets better. Monday and Tuesday I will need to finish my jobs. My mom washed all her clothes so I just need to organize the closet and dresser. The room should be ready by the end of the week. The pumpkin seat/stroller should be delivered this week. The diaper bag should be delivered this week and the bedding is ordered but won't be here for a few weeks. SO, we just need to get the bassinet out and clean it. (I have been doing some shopping online since I have been on bed rest!) NOW LET'S JUST PRAY I DON'T HAVE THE BABY THIS WEEK!

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