Monday, March 22, 2010

Lots to say....

My littl princess sleeping in her new princess bed!
Sweet dreams Tinker!!!!!!
Well, my mom came up on Saturday and we totally accomplished everything. Well...I should say her and Matt totally accomplished everything. It is such a great feeling to get things done that have been on your mind. The carpet FINALLY got installed on Saturday. My mom helped Matt hang up some newly purchased decor. Then, My mom and I went through and separated all of Lily's clothes that we thought Anabelle might be able to wear. She took a huge basket home of clothes to wash. Then, my mom took the kids and bought them Easter shoes and of course another pair of shoes to just wear. Matt and my mom also put together a princess bed for Tinker. My mom ordered Anabelle's bedding from pottery barn. So...basically I WAS SO GLAD THAT MY MOM CAME UP. MOM"S ARE AMAZING...HUSBANDS TOO!

Time to brag on Tinker.....
The exciting news is that Tinker loves her new bed. I had NO intentions of moving her out of her crib. She is such a good sleeper and loves her crib that I just didn't think she would want to get out of it. soon as she saw that Princess bed (that she picked out) put together...she fell in love. On Sunday she took a nap in it and slept in it Sunday night. I can't believe it. I just remember that Aidan had a hard time staying in his bed and the transition was a little rough. Can it really be this easy!!!!!!!!! OMG...I hope so.
To top it all off....Tinker decided that she was going to go potty on Saturday. SO all weekend long she went pee pee on the potty. I couldn't believe it. Today when I picked her up from Amy's...Amy said she went several times on the potty and she went again on the potty tonight before her bath. SO, can this be happening????????? Can Lily be in her new bed and willing to potty train at the same time. LIFE IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!

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