Sunday, August 10, 2014

{Farm: Summer 2014}

 We spent a long weekend in July at the farm. The kids had a blast.  We did a ton of fishing and swimming in the lake.  We bought crickets this time and the fish just couldn't get enough.  All 3 kids caught several fish and we had a blast!!!! Anabelle caught several but she caught one all on her own!!! Aidan has really gotten into fishing this summer!!!!  I don't know how many hours he fished!  However, Tinker is the bravest one and will bait her hook or get the fish off and toss it back in the water. (She of course gives it a kiss then a big toss....her daddy taught her that!) The kids love going to the farm and hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa! We hope to get down there at least one more time for some more fun!!!!

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