Monday, August 11, 2014

Nashville=10 years and Counting

 Matt and I took a road trip to Nashville to celebrate our 10 year anniversary! We stayed 3 nights!!!  Nana and Pop watched our kids for us!  It was a little vacation for the kids too as they got to do all sorts of fun things!!!!  On Thursday, we got in town and headed out to also celebrate Matt's birthday!  On Friday, Beth and Byron drove down and we all hung out for the weekend! It was F.U.N.
Of course we went to Music Row and The District!!!!  We stayed up until 3:30 two nights in a row. (Who do we think we are???)  We ate a lot of good food (Demo's is the best Italian restaurant ever!!!!), drank a ton, and heard some live music. Matt and I are not crazy country fans but we did enjoy all the live bands night after night.  The highlight was going to the world famous Tootsie's.  We (me, Matt, Beth and Byron) sat VIP all night and sat next to the band!!! It was soo crazy!  Taking a road trip with my hubby was the best!  A great way to celebrate 10 years together! We are going to try and do it more often!!!!

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