Friday, August 1, 2014


It is hard to believe I go back to school next week.  The good news is there are 18 elementary schools n my district and My school scored the highest on the MAP.  That is a super great feeling and will make going back to work a little easier.  I can't believe the summer is already coming to an end!!!! I have enjoyed my days of sleeping in, relaxing by the pool, and having drinks while my kids play outside. I have been trying to squeeze in some fun with the kids and take care of things for school at the same time.
Backpacks purchased - check
School Supplies- check
Uniforms- check
Still need to buy some shoes for all the kids but then we should be good!

I am not looking forward to the hecticness that the beginning of the school year brings.  Early mornings, rushed dinners, homework, etc.  This fall will be particularly challenging as I have 3 kids in soccer and Aidan is in Fall baseball too! Woooh---What was I thinking????  That is lots of games and lots of practices.

We still have a few things to look forward to though.  Today I am taking the kids to Indian Creek.  It is supposed to be super fun! Then August  8th-10th we leave to go on a Canoe trip with the kids.  We are meeting Beth and Byron for one last trip out of town.

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