Saturday, February 27, 2010

A bit behind in posting!

With everything that has been going on I haven't had a chance to post some pics of the kids before the whole bed rest thing. on 2.20 we went to see Buzz Lightyear and Mickey Mouse! The kids loved it! Lily sat the whole time and kept telling me that "Minnie Mouse is her friend." Aidan loved seeing Buzz and Woody. He asked, "Are Buzz and Woody real?" We had a great time. The next day it was warmer outside and the snow was barely on the ground. Aidan and Lily were determined to play in it. I got some buckets and shovels and they were off. They have started playing so well together!

Aidan and Lily play in what was left of the snow last weekend.
Lok at my big snowball mommy!
I got a snowball too!

Aidan jumping around to the music at the show.
Lily CLaire is having fun too!

Lily was a little unsure at first...but then warmed up very quickly to all the Disney character
Daddy and the kids wait for the show to start!

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