Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A day with Aidan!!!!

Since I am on Christmas vacation I decided to spend a day with Aidan and Lily...all alone. Since Anabelle will be here before you know it I thought it might be a good idea to give them each a lot of individualized attention. THEY LOVED IT!
I surprised Aidan when he woke up and we went to the Donut Shop and had some donuts and hot coffee! You know how Aidan loves hot coffee!While we were there he kept asking, "Mom, this isn't mu it?" We frequent the donut shop a little too often I guess. After that, we went to meet Caleb. We took the kids to Monkey Joe's and they had sooo much fun! Then we had lunch and went to play at Caleb's house. It was a great day! It is so nice to spend time with my Mr. Mr. I didn't take any pictures because I didn't have my blog set up yet. Darn!

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