Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What a Wonderful Christmas!

Our holiday walk at Suson Park where we saw animals and had cookies with Santa!

Aidan loved Santa and sat right on his lap. Lily wanted nothing to do with him.

Playing with our cousin!

"Ready! Aim! Fire!" Aidan plays with his gun from Aunt Beth.

Let's go for a ride! Lily Claire is all ready to go for a spin!

Tinker strikes a pose in her beautiful dress and heels.

Aidan as he unwrapped "Buzz Lightyear".

We had a great Christmas! This was the year of BUZZ LIGHTYEAR! Aidan got a Buzz shirt, jacket, sleeping bag, watch, and actual wings. His favorite was from Santa and that was the actual Buzz. Aidan was so excited when he opened it up! Santa brought Tinker lots of Princess stuff! She got some make up, jewelry, a princess dress, and a new purse. She also got a new Big Wheel to ride this summer. Lily really got into opening presents this year! After each present she would say, "Where my present?" I was so glad Matt got time off. We had so much fun!

A few days after Christmas it snowed. The kids had a blast making snowballs and sledding! Matt took them outside! I was not going to attempt to sled since I am pregnant. They loved it!

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