Wednesday, December 30, 2009

A day with Lily!

Today was my day to spend time with the Tink! We headed for The Magic House. As you know, Lily Claire is a monkey so she had no fear climbing up slides and wiggling through narrow halls and rooms. She kept kissing me all day and would say, "You my friend... mama!" It was soooo sweet! It just makes me hyper-aware of how when Anabelle comes my Tinker is still going to need lots of attention (all to herself). We had a great girls day. Lily explored and played. I had a blast watching her and spending the day with her! The Magic House is such a great place. Thankfully we got there before it got too crowded. Tonight when I put Lily to bed she put her arms around my neck and just hugged me. She is the sweetest girl!

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