Monday, July 30, 2012

We just can't get enough of the water!

Matt was on vacation and we headed to Cape for a few days of fun! That included going to a water was a blast! The kids got to swim at night which they thought was awesome! Then, my family had a big fish fry for Matt for his birthday! It was a lot of fun!

The kids were so glad to be at the water park with Nana!!!
Anabelle Devaney had her some fun too!There were things for kids of all ages to do!

Anabelle fell asleep on the lazy river for over an hour with Nana!
Tinker's face tells you how much fun she had!


 The kids had a great time at VBS! (Aidan LOVED his counselor Kate...she went to my school and I knew her!)

Baseball Party

Anabelle and Noah have been friends all season long!
 Aidan had a great baseball season! His very last at bat of the season he decided to bat left handed.  The coach pitched it and he hit it...Matt and I couldn't believe it! Obviously we were cheering like crazy! He just puts his mind to something and he is going to do it....We have ourselves quite the baseball player! He had a great time and this is the 2nd year he has played on this team!  The season ended with a pool party at Coach Bruce's subdivision! It was great season! (Here comes soccer....)

{Rocket Park}

{Sweet Cheeks}

Saturday, July 14, 2012

{Purina Farms}

 Aidan and Lily milked a cow!!!! It was so funny! They weren't hesitant or nervous. Lily said,'You just grab that cows belly and milk comes out!" Aidan was a little curious about how that was the milk he drinks every morning! Anabelle was too scared but stayed on the sidelines and pointed at the cow and made cow noises! It was really neat! I even enjoyed it!

 There are not too many places in St. Louis that I have not been...especially if they are fun for the kids! I have heard of Purina Farms before but we have never been there! I decided to take the kids on day this week! It is about 45 minutes away and even though it is a bit of a drive it is soooo worth it! It was so much fun! First of all it is free---which is amazing considering all the things you get to do! When we first got there the kids milked a cow, then we went to the dog show! The show was amazing and the kids loved it! The dogs would do all sorts of tricks! As soon as one dog would finish Anabelle would clap and say, "AGAIN!"
The kids petted all sorts of animals from sheep to chickens and even baby pigs! We ended the day with a tractor ride! All 3 of the kids loved it! It is definitely a hidden gem and was so much fun! We want to make sure we take daddy next year!

A Play Date with Friends

Anabelle loves to slide!

They all look sooo so cute!!!!

Meet Me at the Muny....

 The Pletcher's came up and we all went to the Muny again! This year it was Aladdin! The show was great and the weather was nice! The kids had a lot of fun!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Right now...

Right now...

1. I am waiting for my sister and her family to get into town as we are seeing Aladdin at the Muny tonight. That means we have some very excited kids!
2. I am loving my new car. I have never been a car person and really could care less about what I drive but this is by far my all time favorite car! It is sooo nice!
3.  I am thinking about how I have about a month until I go back to school....(let's not think about that.)
4. My hubby just agreed to be Aidan's soccer coach in the Fall.
5. I am LOVING being off with the kids! What a great summer it has been!
6. I am still thinking about our delicious dinner we had last night! Matt's mom and dad gave us a bunch of vegetables from the garden and we grilled them all was delicious!
7. I am so glad that I already have dinner cooked for tomorrow night! (Stuffed Peppers...yum!)
8. I am off to run some errands!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

{Fourth of July}

We went to a 4th of July was hot!!!!
The Millers came over and hung out! It was a good day spent with friends!