Saturday, July 14, 2012

{Purina Farms}

 Aidan and Lily milked a cow!!!! It was so funny! They weren't hesitant or nervous. Lily said,'You just grab that cows belly and milk comes out!" Aidan was a little curious about how that was the milk he drinks every morning! Anabelle was too scared but stayed on the sidelines and pointed at the cow and made cow noises! It was really neat! I even enjoyed it!

 There are not too many places in St. Louis that I have not been...especially if they are fun for the kids! I have heard of Purina Farms before but we have never been there! I decided to take the kids on day this week! It is about 45 minutes away and even though it is a bit of a drive it is soooo worth it! It was so much fun! First of all it is free---which is amazing considering all the things you get to do! When we first got there the kids milked a cow, then we went to the dog show! The show was amazing and the kids loved it! The dogs would do all sorts of tricks! As soon as one dog would finish Anabelle would clap and say, "AGAIN!"
The kids petted all sorts of animals from sheep to chickens and even baby pigs! We ended the day with a tractor ride! All 3 of the kids loved it! It is definitely a hidden gem and was so much fun! We want to make sure we take daddy next year!

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