Monday, July 9, 2012

Right now...

Right now...

1. I am waiting for my sister and her family to get into town as we are seeing Aladdin at the Muny tonight. That means we have some very excited kids!
2. I am loving my new car. I have never been a car person and really could care less about what I drive but this is by far my all time favorite car! It is sooo nice!
3.  I am thinking about how I have about a month until I go back to school....(let's not think about that.)
4. My hubby just agreed to be Aidan's soccer coach in the Fall.
5. I am LOVING being off with the kids! What a great summer it has been!
6. I am still thinking about our delicious dinner we had last night! Matt's mom and dad gave us a bunch of vegetables from the garden and we grilled them all was delicious!
7. I am so glad that I already have dinner cooked for tomorrow night! (Stuffed Peppers...yum!)
8. I am off to run some errands!

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