Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Out on the Boat!!!!

We knew that we were going to rent a boat but we were up in the air about what kind....Pontoon or a speed boat. Well, the boys went the speed boat and it was a great choice. We rented a tube and we all took turns riding on it! The kids actually loved tubing in the lake! They also thought it was hilarious when we would go flying off! I was a little unsure how Anabelle would do but she did great! She even took a little nap! We originally rented it for four hours but we were having so much fun that we called and got it for another two hours! We went and docked and had lunch.....the kids thought it was so neat! It was all of the kids first time on a boat like that (including me too) and it was sooo fun! Ask any of them what was the best part of the trip and they will say the boat!!! Anabelle kept saying boat.....and then she!!!! Matt and I just can't stop talking about what a great time we had on vacation! There was not one complaint!!!!!

The kids all took turns driving! Trevor would say...faster...faster!!!!

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