Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Our FUN Around the Holidays!

Decorating the Christmas Tree
Making a Christmas construction paper chain and counting down the days until Christmas!
Making our very first Gingerbread House (I think we started a tradition...the kids loves it!)
Playing many games of "Hide the Pickle". Who knew you could have this much fun with an ornament!
Seeing Santa...on the list for this weekend!
Driving Through Tillis Park
Driving around and looking at lights
Our new Christmas Tree that dances and our new Alvin and the Chipmunk that dances...what joy these simple things brings to the kids....especially Anabelle!
Baking...we haven't done much of that yet..but it is on the to do list with the kids.
Watching all the Christmas shows on TV. Even Matt and I love watching Frosty and Rudolph with the kids!
Our first Holiday party at our house....

Christmas is such a busy time...but such a fun time!

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