Friday, November 11, 2011

~Trick or Treat~


I love Halloween! It was one of my favorite's when I was little! My kids adore it and they have been talking about trick-or-treating for weeks! They were so glad that the day was finally here!

This was a scary yard and Tinker didn't like it at first!

Anabelle was a little unsure at first! She just wanted to be held and have her ba ba. But, by the like the 2nd house....she realized what it was all about. It was so cute...she loves the idea of holding her own bag. Then, she would go up to the houses and when they would open the door she would point and grunt. She would just stick her little hand in the bowl and grab some treats. It was adorable! Last year she was too little but this year she definitely went trick or treating. She didn't get to eat any of the candy but she still had fun!

These 2 were were soooo excited! They were really into it! We went around our neighborhood and there baskets were filled to the top!

Matt was off since he had surgery and we had a great time!!!!!
My Rocket and my Fairy!

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