Friday, November 11, 2011

~Halloween Fun~

Lily won both of the games! She was having a great day!

Every girl in Tinker's class was a princess or a fairy! It was darling!
I was so glad I got to go and be there with Lily!
Lily's Pre-school class!

Well, after getting back from Atlanta and the family having the flu I wasn't sure how Halloween would go! Sunday night Aidan woke up and his ear was hurting. We sent him to school on Monday because he had a half day and Matt was volunteering at his party! I got to go to Lily's school party too! Then we headed to the doctor. Aidan had a double ear infection. Lily and Aidan both got flu shots. Lily did not a cry a bit. I mean...she got a sad look on her face but that was it. She is so tough and so brave. She amazes me! Aidan cried but he made it through the visit. He hates shots! But, then it was on to trick-or-treating!

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