Thursday, September 8, 2011

~Labor Day Weekend~

These 2 little fishes love the water! We were very excited we got to swim a few more times!

Anabelle rides in the paddle boat with Grandma!
Yes, Matt had Aidan jumping and doing all sorts of tricks in the water!
Daddy and Anabelle enjoy the weather!

The kids were excited to get to fly their kites! Aidan is getting good at it....he can run and keep it in the air!
The kids love the golf cart. Anabelle Devaney just laughs when the wind blows in her face.Anabelle LOVES to swing!

Jeff and Cindy picked up Aidan and Lily Friday night and headed to the farm. Matt and I headed down Saturday evening. The kids always have so much fun at the farm! It was bit cooler on Sunday and Monday but the weather was gorgeous. We were literally outside the entire weekend. The kids swam a few more times, did a little fishing, played, rode the golf cart, did rocket balloons and we finally got to fly our kites (cross that off the summer to do list....we have officially done everything except Grant's Farm). It was such a nice, long weekend! We had a great time!

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