Saturday, September 3, 2011

~The Big Surprise~

Ever since the kids started school they are longing for the days when we did "something fun everyday". They have asked to go to Aquaport all summer long! Matt and I promised them we would take them before it closed! We decided to go on a Sunday in hoped that it wouldn't be as crowded! It was perfect...there was hardly anyone there......the kids got to slide over and over again...go on a lazy river and swim! Anabelle could walk freely around and wasn't getting pushed down! It was a great family day. We have more fun days in our future...a birthday party at Creation Station, the school carnival, Apple Picking, Octoberfest and a trip to the zoo are all events already on the calendar!

Aidan and Lily loved the slide!

My little one goes for a swim!!! She loved the water and had fun splashing around!
Matt and I have 3 kids that LOVE the water!
Anabelle wasn't quite big enough to go on the lazy river so we waved and watched! The kids just loved it!
Oh this baby is sooo cute!

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