Saturday, August 13, 2011

~Cardinal Game~

Nana and Pa Pa and all the kids!

Aidan took this picture of the ballpark!
It was a little ....but oh so fun......
Tinker ate so much was unbelievable!

Anabelle took a long nap during the game! Beth brought some spray fans and we stripped her down so she could stay cool!
Aidan with his Pa Pa! I think Aidan really enjoyed the game. Especially since he played Tball this year. He was really into the batting and watching the players catch the ball!

My whole family came up for a little visit. It was soo much fun! We stayed at Union Station...we ate, walked around, and of course went swimming! That night we went to the Cardinals Game! We rode the Metro Link there and the kids got the biggest kick out of it! We had really great seats at the Cardinals game and the kids were amazing! They made it all 10 innings! Thanks mom and dad for a super great time!

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