Saturday, August 13, 2011

Anabelle Devaney~Almost 16 months

Anabelle loves to dance!!!!! If there is music on the radio or on the TV...she is dancing!

Anabelle is almost 16 months and she has really taken on a personality all of her own!

First of all, she has discovered a love for dancing! If music is on she rocks back and forth...puts her hands on her knees and bobs up and down...and just laughs and laughs! It is absolutely the cutest thing I have ever seen!

She also has started not to let her big brother and sister push her around so much! Before she would just kinda go along with them but now if she has something and they take it away from her...she yells and screams!

She likes to close doors....the other day she closed herself in Aidan's room and I was in the kitchen. I heard a little voice yell,"MAMA...MAMA"!

She has discovered dropping something and then saying...Uh-OH! This is also a new game she likes to play!

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