Friday, July 1, 2011

Enjoying a day off!

Matt was off on Monday so we headed to Swing-Around-Fun-Town! It was pretty fun....the kids were already asking when we could go back as soon as we left. After that, we headed to Red Robin and ate some dinner. It was a great way to enjoy Matt's day off!

Aidan and Lily had fun play put-put golf! It was the first time they have ever played! Lily got a hole in one! I couldn't believe it! They were drenched from the bumper boats so drying off with a little golf seemed like the perfect idea.

The bumper boats were a big hit! The kids thought it was hilarious when they would get squirted! I think daddy had as much fun as the kids!
This was also a big hit! The kids both loved driving the race cars. Lily had a little trouble steering at first but she got the hang of it pretty quick! I think they could drive these cars all day long.

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