Friday, January 28, 2011

Anabelle's New Trick!

It is official....Anabelle Devaney gives kisses! I love it!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

A new surprise for Anabelle!

We got out our old table for Belle to play with and it wouldn't turn on. It is how both Aidan and Lily really started to learn to stand, pull up, etc... So, we took one of Belle's gift cards from Christmas (Thanks Aunt Beth!) and got a new one! She LOVES it! These little tables are the best invention! It is amazing to me to see her stand (she can only do it for a few seconds and then topples over.) She is so tiny...just a little tiny person standing at the table. It is so cute! We have taken a dew nasty spills so for now...mommy or daddy stay close.

Anabelle stands by herself at the table! Yay!

She looks so itty bitty from behind!
My new table......45.00.
Using the Target giftcard....25.00
Getting my brother and sister to back away and give me some space to play...priceless (and impossible)

Christmas Jammies!

All their Christmas jammies from Nana! They are soooo cute!

Aidan (4), Lily (3), and Belle (9 months).

Our trip out...

The kids have been sick for over a week! We have not left the house. Aidan finally made it back to school last Tuesday! Anabelle still is a little under the weather and she has not left the house in well over a week. Well...TODAY was the DAY! I took Lily and Aidan out of the house! So exciting. I am still not feeling well but I think we all needed to get out for a bit. Lily had dance class this morning and Babaloo was playing at the same place where dance class is so we stayed and enjoyed his show! We then made a trip to the store and came back home.

Aidan and Lily play the drums!

Lily shows off her new dance bag that she got for Christmas!

I am so glad that Tinker loves dance. She looks forward to going every week and has a great time! It has been an awesome experience!

Smiles + highchair = HAPPY TIMES!

For the record, Anabelle likes to eat now. She has even begun eating little bitty pieces of cheese. She is not a big fan of fruit but loves vegetables (especially the green ones!) I am so happy that my baby smiles when its time to eat instead of cries!
No teeth yet...but we are workin' on it!

Anabelle gets a taste of the snow!

Anabelle Devaney was all bundled up in her pink bunting...looking like a little snow bunny. She didn't know what to think of her very first sled ride!
She just smiled...she was only out there for like 2 minutes. It took longer to get her dressed~

My very first sled ride with daddy! 9 months old and ready for fun!

~What a BIG Snow~

Daddy gets out and plays in the snow with the kids.
Lily was amazed by how deep it was.
The kids got a big kick out of playing in the deep snow.
We made it outside for a bit to play in the BIG snow! The kids have been sick nut we bundled them up and let them go out for a while! They played in the front, walked around and jumped in the huge snow piles, and then went sledding in the backyard! I love it that Matt likes to play in the snow with the kids because I hate to be cold!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Loooong Weekend!

Well, we have been sick all weekend! Thursday Anabelle went to doctor and she ended up having an ear infection. While at the doctor Aidan's school called and said he was running a fever. By Friday night he was refusing to eat and saying it hurt when he took a drink. He went to the doctor on Saturday and had Strep throat! Now, here we are on Monday and Aidan has a cough that could blow our house down and Anabelle's fever has returned with a vengeance! Back to the doctor tomorrow! I sure hope the next 5 days are better than the last. Oh it summer yet?

Just Chillin'

We have yet to put one of these tasty treats in our mouth but we are getting good at picking them up!
The 3 Amigos!This is Belle;s new sleeper from Nana and Pa Pa. It is sooo cute. The GAP has the best jammies!

~Bath Time~

My little lamb....Anabelle loves bath time.....she is getting so big.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Snow Day

He has this snow angel think down pat!They are making snow angels on our funny!
Tinker is a little cold and a little upset that her gloves got wet!

The kids played in the snow for a few minutes last week on our snow day. My kids love to be outside....whether it is freezing or 100 degrees they want to be outside playing. I love it!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Handsome Boy!

Aidan got a haircut and was ready to head back to school!

Anabelle has a fun break too!

My baby is almost crawling! She is sooo close! She gets up and rocks and has started to kinda scoot.If she wants something she rolls across the floor! I can't believe she is almost a crawler! She is still the happiest baby ever!

Belle likes to sit and play too! She got a few toys for Christmas and she likes to play with them when we can get them away from her brother and sister!

Why I Love Christmas Break!

Playing dress up and having fun.... ...I think it is cute...Matt-not-so-much! (It is sooo funny!)
Now this is cute...
Caleb came over to play and we made cookies! They each made a different color icing!
Aidan didn't want to get his hands dirty!
Tinker would ice her cookie and then take a big bite of icing.
Aidan got a gift card from his big buddy at school so we went to DQ and got some ice cream! Yummy!

Why I love Christmas Break!
10. I don't have to take the kids to school and the babysitter.
9. We are on no schedule! That is the best feeling!
8. I get to enjoy my coffee in the morning!
7. We get to see lots of family and friends!
6. We get to spend lots of quality time together as a family!
5. We eat, sleep, and play whenever we want!
4. My daily naps with Anabelle Devaney! oh...I have gotten used to them!
3. The day is open and we never know what we will be doing or who we will be seeing!
2. Matt was on vacation so we got to spend so much time together as a family!
1. I am not at work...and anything is better than that!

Being back at work has made me realize how much I enjoyed being off. Fun with the kids and just doing whatever we wanted to do was sooo nice! It was a fun filled break seeing family and friends! Oh, I love the holidays and this break seemed to be exceptionally nice and relaxing!