Saturday, January 22, 2011

Our trip out...

The kids have been sick for over a week! We have not left the house. Aidan finally made it back to school last Tuesday! Anabelle still is a little under the weather and she has not left the house in well over a week. Well...TODAY was the DAY! I took Lily and Aidan out of the house! So exciting. I am still not feeling well but I think we all needed to get out for a bit. Lily had dance class this morning and Babaloo was playing at the same place where dance class is so we stayed and enjoyed his show! We then made a trip to the store and came back home.

Aidan and Lily play the drums!

Lily shows off her new dance bag that she got for Christmas!

I am so glad that Tinker loves dance. She looks forward to going every week and has a great time! It has been an awesome experience!

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