Thursday, December 16, 2010

Snow day!

Well, I was so excited when I got the call that school was cancelled. I figured I needed to do some major updating with the holidays so close! We have been, parties, and trying to get everything done that you have to get done with 3 kids and Christmas fastly approaching! One of my best friends went on bed rest and so I have been worrying about her and her twins and praying those babies stay put for a while. I am hoping we can get Caleb to play for a few days. Aidan and Lily would love that. Aidan's last day of school is tomorrow! He has his Christmas party which should be lots of fun! I am hoping to do some much needed wrapping and finish up a few odds and ends. As busy as the holidays are...I just love them! I guess it is just a reminder of all we have to be thankful for. I just love seeing my family and Sam and Ella. Watching the kids get gifts from Santa is priceless. They are so excited! Every day we get the mail and hang up our Christmas cards. The kids just love looking at all the pictures and cards. I am so ready for Christmas break...also trying to get all of the family healthy....we have had lots of colds and coughs and stomach bugs. Hopefully we are almost over it all. This tends to be the hardest part of the year for Aidan with his asthma so I just pray he stays healthy. He has a cough that would blow Santa away! This time next week I will be in Cape with my family and hopefully full of holiday cheer!

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