Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I feel like super mom....

I took the kids to the History Museum on Tuesday! (On Monday I took them to get the oil changed in the car and to the mall. They were so good in that tiny waiting room but we pretty much took up all the seats. Then we went to the mall and they were soooo good!) Anyway, we went to the museum and they had an arts and crafts project for the kids to do. They have this little program for kids on Tuesdays and Fridays. 3 moms stopped me and commented on how good they were, what a beautiful family I had, and how brave I was for taking 3 kids out by myself. One mom even do you do it???...I just smiled and said "Well, I just try...sometimes it goes great and sometimes it doesn't." Needless to say I felt like SUPER MOM!!!!!!!!!!

Aidan works on his Dream Catcher...

Aidan and Lily make Ferris Wheels....

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