Monday, January 4, 2010


Aidan and Lily know that they are having a sister. Lately Aidan has been pretending he has a baby in his belly! He will say, "Mom...guess what is in my belly...A BABY!" He now has a theory that when the baby is ready to "wake up" and come out that my mouth will get bigger and bigger and then out will come Anabelle. He looks down my throat and says,"She is not ready yet mom..I don't see her." He told this to my mom and dad at Christmas and we all got a good laugh. He has already promised that when my baby comes out so will his. I just love the things he comes up with right now. I think he will really enjoy her. He was only 21 months when Lily was born and so I think he is so much more aware. He knows he is going to get to hold a baby and be a helper! Lily Claire....she doesn't really have a clue. I have a doctor's appointment on Thursday. Hopefully Anabelle is not breach anymore....I don't know if we will find out at this appointment or not! I have been eating like crazy (doctor's orders) and doing my best to gain weight. For the first time in my life I am really praying that I have put on the pounds.

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