Monday, July 28, 2014

{Big Joel's Safari}

 Big Joel's Safari was a BIG HIT!!!! They came to Aidan and Lily's school for Spirit day so we put it on our summer list!  I thought it was better than Grant's Farm (just not as big)!!  You can see the animals so up close!  Deer, camels, bison, goats,snacks,  llamas...they had it all.  The kids loved this exotic parakeet cage. You paid a dollar for a popsicle stick and on it they put peanut butter and bird seed.  Then you got to go in a feed the birds! It was awesome! They would fly close to you and land on the stick for a snack! The kids loved it!!!!!  We had a picnic lunch and then went back to feed the birds one more time! It was a great day!

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