Sunday, June 22, 2014


 We have been wanting to take the kids to Crown Candy for some time.  Matt took a day off last week and we decided it would be the perfect opportunity to go!  Neither Matt or I have ever been so it was a pretty neat experience for us all. I can't believe how small it is inside. 8 booths and 6 2 table booths. That is it. However, the line is out the door for people waiting to get a BLT!!!!  The kids thought the old decor and building were really cool!  Here is what we ordered: (Oh...and Anabelle was at school so that is why she is not in the pictures. She has to go 1 day a week...that's a whole other story)

Matt and Becca: BLT/Chips/Water
Aidan: Grilled Cheese and a Root Beer
Lily: Chili with cheese and a chocolate malt

After lunch we got 2 to-go chocolate malts and Aidan got some ice was DELICIOUS! AMAZING! We all had a great time and next time we have to bring Anabelle Devaney!

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