Wednesday, May 7, 2014

~Easter 2014~

They looked so cute in pink this year. Lily told me that this has to be the last year for her and Anabelle to wear matching dresses.    

 Anabelle LOVES finding Easter Eggs. She talked about it for days. 

 Aidan and Lily were off. I mean, their buckets were filling fast. Matt and I had to "pause" the game so Anabelle could actually find some eggs. 

 Next year I have to remember how fast the eggs go when we dye them! Anabelle wanted to dye all of them!   Aidan likes to take his time and make them look creative and mulit-colored! Lily and Anabelle want to dye as many as they can at a very good pace!  Look how excited Anabelle is???? She is all about Easter!

 Grandma and Grandpa have an Easter egg hunt every year too! Thank goodness because we love to hunt eggs in this family!!!!

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