Monday, January 20, 2014

Around Here....

Around Here....

We are trying to stay well. Aidan has strep and we are for sure trying to keep the girls from getting it.

We are eating so many "cuties" it is crazy. The girls probably eat 6 a day! Anabelle just discovered these little oranges and she can't get enough.

We are ready for some warm weather and time outside.

We are getting ready for a special little buddy's birthday. Can't believe he will be 8!

We have been doing a lot of cooking and trying new recipes.

We have been playing board games and puzzles.

We officially have 2 kids that can read!. Lily Claire is reading and we are so proud of her.

We have joined a gym and have plans to get healthy and fit!

We just started playing indoor soccer!

We are planning fun things to do this summer including a few family trips!!!!

I am so glad that I don't have a ton of snow days to make up.

I just found out that I won't have to work a lot this summer...which is great news!!!!

Also found out that I have to send Anabelle at least 2 days a week to her school this summer. Have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I will get to do some great things with the older two but on the other hand I would rather have her with me!

I have been using the Cartwheel app plus the Target Red Card and on my last Target trip I saved 32 bucks!

Matt just got off nights and we are all looking forward to him being home more!!!!

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