Tuesday, July 9, 2013

~Big News~

We have some big news around here! Recently, Aidan told me that he wanted to keep playing baseball and he would like to play for a "harder" team where everyone could catch! I took his request seriously and started looking into some baseball teams. Little did I know the world we were about to enter. I got on a site that posted teams looking for baseball players. What I noticed were a lot of teams are already formed by age 9. Meaning, they have been playing together for years and are only looking for a specific position player...like a pitcher or catcher. So, I contacted 2 coaches and said we were interested.  Aidan had two tryouts over the past few weeks. I wasn't sure how to approach this because part of me was excited but part of me was nervous. I told Aidan that he was going to go and play with a few new boys and have a some practices.   Aidan practiced all week with Matt and I. We have been spending a lot of time on the baseball field hitting and fielding.He went to the first tryout and made the team. We were super excited.  This past Sunday we went and tried out for a team that is a Select Baseball team and is known to be really good! We came back from Cape on Sunday to come to the tryout. (Thanks POP for all the help and advice and going to the ballfield with us!) Can I tell you how nervous I was for him???? By this time he knew he was going to be playing ball with some really good players.  He was pretty sure he was trying out for something but not exactly sure how it would all work out. I told him to just do his best, have fun, charge the ball, and hustle! As a mom, watching your son tryout for something is so nerve racking. I mean, all I kept thinking about was...what if he doesn't make it....what will I tell him...oh please let him make it! Matt and I agreed that no matter what the experience would be good for him and that he is a good enough ball player that he should go for it! Well, he went and he tried his best! It was SUPER hard and after the practice Aidan got in the car and said, "Wow...that was really hard and long...I am tired!  Sunday night we got the call (yes....we had to wait and they said they would contact us) that HE MADE THE TEAM! (Matt and I were ecstatic!  We were almost jumping up and down for our little buddy!) The next morning we told him!  His response...fist in the air---"YES!!!! I am a Gator! I did it!"
Aidan is officially playing ball on a Select Baseball team...THE GATORS! We are so proud of him and all his hard work!  We have a lot of baseball in our future! But I know one guy that already has 2 of his biggest fans!

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