Sunday, June 9, 2013


 We love our new neighborhood. There are 18  kids on our street...plenty of kids to play with and that is very new for us!  Our kids have made good friends with two boys that live down the street-Brady and Gage.     They often knock on our door to play and there are many days that it is 8 o'clock in the morning and Aidan is asking if he can knock on their door. That is just one of the reasons we love our neighborhood! We spent the first day of summer playing some baseball, headed to a nearby park and then the kids had a water balloon fight! What a great first day of summer!

Bike Riding

 Since we now live on a cul-de-sac-Aidan and Lily ride their bikes daily.  Well, Anabelle Devaney could not be left out!  Nana and Pop bought her a bike and she loves it!  She rides her bike daily and when she is not riding it she is talking about riding it!  It is soooo cute. Anabelle spends a lot of time these days trying to keep up with her brother and sister!

Hanging Around....


I had to laugh because this picture was taken at 9 o'clock in the morning at Aidan's baseball game!. Lily wanted a snow cone and Anabelle wanted some popcorn! Like a good mom-I gave them a nutritious breakfast.

Baseball Time

One thing I love about summer is BASEBALL!  Lily and Aidan are both playing and I have to tell you that I really enjoy watching them play. This is Lily's first year playing T-ball and she has barely had to hit off the tee at all.  That is just incredible to me!!!! She has a great batting stance!  I am helping coach her team and it has been fun spending that time with her.
Aidan loves baseball!!! He plays it every single day! Even if it is just catch-he plays! You will notice I don't have many pics of him. Well, his games are very exciting. This is the first year where you can actually get out.  He has a many singles, doubles and even some triples. He can crush the ball! Aidan has a great arm and plays third because he can throw it across the field.
As you can imagine they both always have a cheering section!

Last Days of School...

 It is hard to believe that I am going to have a 2nd grader and a kindergartner!