Friday, May 10, 2013

You don't say....

Some little people around the house have said some interesting things lately....

Anabelle: "Hi bonehead."  (uh-what did you just say?) "Oh mama-you bonehead-sorry!!!"

Aidan: "Mom-tell Lily to put her pajamas on because I can see her nickels." (I am not even gonna touch that one-I just laughed!)

Lily: "I guess we aren't poor anymore cause we finally got a house."
(Laying in her own bed) -"Mom-why did Jesus and God invent bad dreams? That's all I have when I am in here." 
"I don't like living alone." Wat do you mean-you live with us. "No-at night-I have to love alone, Aidan has to live alone, I just don't like living alone! (Needless to say Lily is adjusting to her new room.)

Aidan: Matt is making Aidan's lunch in the morning and says something along the lines of-Well that stinks. Aidan chimes in-or dad you could say, "Well that sucks." Matt response, "What did you say?" Aidan just matter of factly-sucks is another word for stinks I think!  NOPE---WRONG can't say that buddy!

Anabelle (when she wants me to hold her): "I hold you you mama".

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