Tuesday, May 7, 2013

~Anabelle Devaney Turns 3~

 It is hard to believe that my baby is 3! My how time flies! In some ways I can totally believe it and in others...well..she is still my baby!!!!  Anabelle has been very excited about her birthday. We have had many conversations about her party and how she is 3! She was really into opening her presents.  She would day "more presents please". Lily is sooo funny because there are times when she just mothers her.  She likes to help her and hold her. Our little bit was a bit shy this year too. She actually burst into tears after we finished singing Happy Birthday. It was like she was sooo excited but then sooo embarrassed. Right now Anabelle loves Minnie Mouse!!!!  It was our last week at Jeff and Cindy's so it was a bit hectic but all in all I think she had a good day!

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