Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas 2012

 This is what I will always remember about this Christmas....
1. Aidan got a 3DS! Aidan has wanted a DS since he was four. He was so excited when he opened it! It was definitely his favorite present from Santa.
2. Lily got some girl legos and "a baby that pees". Yes, it is a baby that goes #1 and #2 when you feed it.
3. Anabelle did not want to wake up Christmas morning and she did not want to open her presents when the other kids did. (She did not open her presents until 10 am on Christmas day!)  HOWEVER, once she started opening she didn't want to stop! She LOVED the act of opening presents!
4. This is the first year I did not do Christmas cards or get a picture of all 3 kids together in their Christmas outfits!  And they LOOKED so cute!!!!!!!! (I am still so sad-debating on if I should just put them in their outfits and snap a picture!)
5. We were homeless this Christmas!  But we still had a good one!!!! :)

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