Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hunting for the 1st Time!!!!

 We went home over Labor Day to see my parents. Matt and my dad were going to go Dove hunting.  They decided that this was the perfect opportunity to take Aidan hunting for the first time. He was soooo excited! They woke up at 6 am to start their day! They all had knives! The year Aidan was born my dad went out and bought him this knife. Well-he got to take it on the hunting trip just like his dad and Pa Pa! He was happy! In the 3rd picture-he has a cup of coffee just like his dad and Pa Pa too! They ALL had a great time!!!!! I think Matt and Dad were just as excited to TAKE Aidan as Aidan was excited to go!!! I know it is something that Aidan will always remember!

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