Thursday, June 28, 2012

Steinmetz Swimmers!!!!!!!!

 Anabelle can blow bubbles, put her face in the water and float on her back with help! She loves to jump in and play ring around the rosie! I am so glad I signed her up for lessons!
 Aidan can float on his back, do the front and back crawl, and can do the backstroke! He can do a front flip and back flip in the water all by himself! He can swim underwater  and swim in the deep end! He can do front and back glides! Great job might just be a swimmer!

 Lily is also quite the swimmer! She can jump in, put her head under, do the front crawl, swim underwater, jump in, do front glides and back glides and float on her back! Last year she didn't really care much about swim lessons but this year she LOVES them! She also only had three people in her class so she learned a lot!

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