Tuesday, June 26, 2012

~Birthday Party and the Magic House~

Look at cute little Belle-she is so tan and sooo cute!
Lily had a birthday party at the Magic house with her friends from school! 
 So, I took the other two exploring the magic house! It was so fun and Anabelle is finally able to enjoy it and  have fun! It was busy but we were there early and stayed for 3 hours!!! Fishing and painting were definitely the favorites!  Anabelle just squealed when she caught a fish.

 Every time we go the the Magic House-Lily and Aidan have to paint! Anabelle even painted!!!!
 The kids also enjoyed the sand castle exhibition! It was hot but they still wanted to get out there and play! This summer it is so much easier to take the 3 kids out and about! What a difference a year makes! We are definitively making the most of our summer!

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