Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I am so happy that....

1. Anabelle Devaney is now wearing 18 month sleepers. My baby is growing!
2. We got our taxes done...another thing to check off the list-done!
3. I have Monday off work! Yes!!!!  Matt, Aidan and Lily are off too so we are going to do something fun!
4.  Already thinking about summer plans for the kids! 
5. Signed Aidan up for T-ball.
6. Taking a mini-vacation with the kids!
7. My hubby bought me flowers. (I love flowers!)
8. Matt and I have 2 weddings this summer (that means 2 babysitters that I already have booked!)---should be fun!
9.  We have Aidan's parent/teacher conference tomorrow
10. This morning...Anabelle touched the T.V. and Lily said "No...No." Anabelle came in the bedroom and looked and me and pointed her finger and said...NO! NO! I just died laughing!

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