Friday, October 14, 2011

~Quotes from the kids~

1. (As I was braiding Lily's hair)
Lily: Hey mommy, one day when I become a mommy will I braid hair you?
Me: Yep...I will teach you.
Lily: Wait...I am going to be a mommy?
Me: Well, one day.
Lily: Oh boy...I am going to be a mommy and I will braid hair...maybe my baby will be 5.
Me: Laughing....oh Lily--you are too funny.

2. (As I was giving Aidan a bath)
Aidan: Hey mom, can I tell you something.
Me: Sure buddy
Aidan: You remember yesterday.
Me: Yes
Aidan: Well yesterday, and then another yesterday and then the other yesterday....
Me: So are we talking like 3 days ago
Aidan: No there was yesterday, and then the yesterday before that, and then another yesterday...
Me: (laughing) Ok...just get on with your story!

3. (As I was driving the kids to school)
Aidan: Are roosters real?
Me: Roosters, yes they are real...kind of like chickens.
Lily: Ohhh, I like chicken!
Me: Well, it is like the male version of a chicken...a rooster is male.
Lily: Ok...get it Aidan...the rooster is the mailman. I guess he's the mailman for the chickens.
(At this point I am laughing so hard listening to these too!)
Aidan to Lily: Ohhh, I get it now....

It is amazing all the funny things that the kids come up with! I just have to get better at writing them down!

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