Friday, October 7, 2011

~Fun at Nana's and Pa Pa's~

It has been a while since I have had a chance to update the blog....We have been so busy! Lily is in dance, Aidan is playing soccer and we have had so many things planned on the weekends. I finally decided that if I just didn't sit down and start....I would be so far behind. A few weekends ago we went to my parents. The kids had a blast...we roasted marshmallows that night and hung out. I caught up with my sister and got to see her kids. I hadn't been home in a while so it was nice to see my mom and dad!!!

Aidan liked to catch his marshmallows on fire....he didn't like to eat them. But he roasted at least five or six. Then he would just throw them in the yard. It was hilarious!
What doesn't Tinker eat???? She enjoyed the fun too!

We couldn't leave Anabelle Devaney out!!!!

Anabelle Devaney enjoyed pushing her shopping cart around at Nana's and Pa Pa's too! She discovered it was the perfect place to keep her cup!

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