Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I am thinking now....

We had so much fun on Matt's vacation...wow...it was a great time!

I can't believe I have to go back to work soon. This summer has been really great! We have done a lot of fun stuff! I think the kids really had a good summer!

Aidan is starting Kindergarten....I am a bit anxious. I know he will do great but I am also a little nervous since it is a new school! I just can't believe he is in Kindergarten....

Tinker is going to Preschool...I mean..My Lily is going to school. Is this possible that she is old enough to go to school.

When I am back to working will I remember to think about all the fun we had this summer?

How will I function without a mid-day nap....I nap with the kids probably 3 or 4 times a week.

I am going to try and not fret...I am going to enjoy these last days of summer! I feel like I have so much to do. Organizing school supplies, filling out even more paperwork that was just mailed to me for Kindergarten, heading back to work and all the work that will come with that since we did not make AYP....

Something to look forward too----hanging out with some friends on Friday and then next week staying downtown with my family for a Cardinals game!

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