Monday, August 15, 2011


Today was a very big day at our house! Aidan started Kindergarten today! He was shirt, new socks, new backpack and new haircut! He looked so cute! The day started with some waffles and chocolate milk! We loaded up his backpack and packed his lunch and then we were off to catch the bus!

Gibson and Aidan have both gone to Ms. Amy's since they were 1! They have a long history together and are friends! I was very glad he would have a buddy to ride the bus with on his 1st day!
This is the moment that I got a bit teary eyed! It's like...there he big boy! I just wanted to hug and kiss him one more time! He grabbed a seat and was looking out the window waving bye! He just kept waving and smiling! I couldn't help but at that moment think...I can't believe he is riding a bus by himself...on his way to his very 1st day of Kindergarten!
This is Mrs. Fitch and Aidan! Words cannot say how happy I am that he has her as a teacher! He was a little nervous at first but we walked in and hung up his backpack! After a few moments, I asked him if I could take a picture of him and his teacher! He was all smiles!

Then he sat at his desk and began to write his name. I just watched him for a few moments. I think I was more nervous then him. He looked up at me and said,"Ok mom, you can go now!" I smiled and he said,"See you later. I love you!" With that, I was out the door. Walking out of the building was a little emotional as I realized....Aidan is in school. He is at a school..a new school where everything is unfamiliar! With so many thought running through my head it was hard not to shed a few tears once I got to the car!

Today I have been thinking a lot about Aidan...hoping his first day goes well...and thinking about how brave he is! He is going to a new school with a new teacher and doesn't know anyone in his class. I am so thankful that I got to share this big moment with him and didn't have to go to work today! I just love him so much! It seems like the last 5 years have flown by and it is hard for me to believe that I have a child this old or that he is old enough to go to school now! I can't wait to see how his first day went! There is one thing I know for sure: I love him and I am so proud of my boy today!

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