Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My big girl is in pre-school!

Lily looked so big on Tuesday when she went for her 1st official day! She had on a Hello Kitty shirt-to match her backpack-that also matched her lunch box! Oh my...she looked adorable!

I am just so proud of Tinker! On Tuesday's and Thursday's she only has 4 kids in her class so it was a good day to start school! She saw Ms. Peggy and although she hid behind me at first...that only lasted about 1 minute. Ms. Peggy took her off to go play! She just waved goodbye! She has been ready for school for a long time! She just looked so big! I was so proud of her. You never know how these days will go but my Tinker did amazing! She came home with a big painting and 2 pictures. I think she is going to love it!

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