Tuesday, August 2, 2011

~Magic House~

Anabelle liked the cars. She was kinds getting the hang of driving.

These 2 had a blast!
Painting was one of Lily and Aidan's favorite activities. They each have several masterpieces hanging in their bedrooms!
Anabelle is a good sport because her brother and sister want to drag her everywhere! The funny thing is...she LOVES it! She just laughs (most of the time!)

This was Anabelle's first trip to the Magic House and she loves the water. She just sat and played in it! this girl loves to splash and loves to play in water. I forgot it was something that she would be able to do...we went back and played in it twice!
Peek-a-boo...I see you!

I decided to take the kids to the Magic house. Matt had to work (he was going on vacation the next day) so I was feeling like an energetic mom of 3! We got there as soon as it opened and we were able to beat the crowd for about an hour or so! I just had it in my mind that we would leave if it got too crowded or we would stay as long as the kids were having fun! We made it 3 hours and I felt pretty good taking all of them to the Magic House by myself! We had 2 free passes which made it even better! It was a fun filled day! Aidan and Lily loves the "fishing" and the painting. Anabelle's favorite was the water table!

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