Tuesday, July 12, 2011

4th of July!

We spent 4th of July at Nana and Pa Pa's. The kids had a blast. Mom and Dad had a party and the kids played a ton! We bought fireworks, shot them off, went swimming, got on the slip-n-slide, had ice cream cake and stayed up until midnight!

Ella and Aidan were excited to shoot off fireworks at Nana and Pa Pa's.

Sam and Lily enjoyed watching the fireworks together.
The kids loved watching the fireworks.
Tinker had fun on the slip and slide.

Aidan enjoyed the slip and slide too.
Look at those beautiful blue eyes.
Tinker pushed Belle around on this little truck....Belle would just laugh and laugh.
Anabelle got a big kick out of the washer game. She liked to put them in the holes and then get them back out.
Anabelle loved her little pool. It was the perfect size for her.

Anabelle Devaney looks so cute in her bikini. She is taking several steps and standing very easily! She will be running around here before we know it.
The sisters in their polka dot bikinis.

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