Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What I love About Summer!

1. No schedule...we can fly by the seat of our pants.
2. Naps with my baby. I love falling asleep while holding her and enjoying a nice long nap on the couch! Naps with the kids too!
3. Swimming-My kids love the pool and they have 3 swimsuits each because we are in it every day!
4. Our Summer Fun List---this is where we get to do so many fun things!!!! (Chuckie Cheese and swim lessons are already checked off....today we are making bird feeders!)
5. Playing outside...I can take the heat pretty well so we are outside all the time. Some days by 7 am!
6. Time to do things...my weekend is not consumed with grocery shopping and Target. I can do that during the week which leaves more time to play on the weekend!
7. Drinks with my hubby!
8. Not having to work...of course. I am never going back (ha!)
9. The Cardinals...Matt and I love to watch a good game on TV and hopefully we can make it too a few this summer!
10. Just being with MY KIDS! Getting to see my family more and hanging out!

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